2022 Propositions
On the November 8, 2022 general election ballot, there were 10 statewide propositions, eight from the legislature and 2 citizen-initiatives. For Cave Creek School District residents, there was a much needed school district override proposal.
Our YES recommendations and results:
​​Prop 209 Predatory Debt Protection Act PASSED see below
Prop 211 Voter Right to Know (STOP Dark Money) PASSED see below
Prop 308 Non-Citizen Resident In-State Tuition (for Dreamers) PASSED
Prop 310 State Sales Tax for Fire District Funding FAILED
Cave Creek School Distict Override FAILED
Our NO recommendations and results
(Republican Legislature attempts to thwart popular citizen initiatives)​
Prop 128 Legislature may overturn Voter Initiatives FAILED
Prop 129 Single Subject on Initiatives PASSED
Prop 132 Supermajority to pass ballot initiatives PASSED
Prop 309 Additional Requirements for mail in ballots FAILED
Prop 130 Disabled Vet Property Tax Exemption (this allows legislature to give other, new tax breaks to their friends) PASSED
Prop 131 Create Office of Lt. Governor PASSED
Please scroll down to read more about these two propositions.
Details Below