Imagine the merits of campaign finance reform:
· Diverting the bulk of campaign financing to good causes.
· Pols not beholden to wealthy donors.
· All big-time political campaign donors identified and an end of dark money
· Vastly reducing voter dissatisfaction with campaign advertising overwhelm.
Billionaires contributed nearly $675M so far this election cycle, almost all from the top 50 mega-rich givers.” “That’s more than 10% of the total, a gigantic proportion compared to their miniscule share of the population -- some three billionaires for every million US adults. A USA Today analysis “
The founders did not envision corporations as people. But the Supremes' 2010 Citizens United decision meant corporations and labor unions could spend unlimited amounts of money to promote or attack candidates.
80% of Americans opposed Citizens United. 77% support limits on political donations.
Provisions of the draft ECR revision include cementing the purely VP's ceremonial role, limiting congressional member objections to explicit constitutional requirements, requiring 20% of each Chamber to object as opposed to one each, governors must submit lawful election results, and making it a constitutional violation to refuse to count and certify by rules in effect on election day.
The Republicans decision to try to steal the election is “an act of cynical, unpatriotic, undemocratic hypocrisy unrivaled in American history, a pure power play on behalf of a president whose disregard for the very Constitution these people have long claimed to adore is total. It is shameful. Infuriatingly shameful.” Jonah Goldberg, The Dispatch, Dec. 2020.
Substantive fraud evidence is NOT countless repetitions that Trump won, the size of crowds attending his pre-election rallies, debunked statistical anomalies and "revelations" and conjectures. Election-deniers don't address the pre-election widespread frustration with his gross mishandling of the pandemic and the economic downturn nor how “fixer” Dems lost so many down-ballot elections in AZ and elsewhere.
The majority of Arizona voters believe in the election system. The nonpartisan organization Center for the Future of Arizona conducted a survey. And the results are telling:
· 74% of those surveyed said that our elections are fair.
· 70% think that our elections are secure.
· 77% believe that the November election results will be accurate.